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03/20/2018 Red Creek MUD Regularly Scheduled Meeting

422 E. Red Creek Road
San Angelo, Texas 76905
Notice of a regularly scheduled meeting of the Red Creek Municipal Utility District Board of Directors:
Meeting Date: March 20, 2018
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: The Red Creek M.U.D. Office
422 Red Creek Rd San Angelo, TX 76905
1. Declaration of Quorum.
2. Call Meeting to Order.
3. Public Forum.
4. Reports:
A. Report from Operations & Maintenance Contractor:
1. Problems encountered in the systems/operations/maintenance.
2. Possible backflow/water loss prevention due to storms, outages, or other weather related causes.
B. Report from Engineer Contractor
1. Status of Recoating Standpipe (bids, fees, progress,etc)
2. Loan Forgiveness (Texas Water Development Board)
C. Report from Office Manager:
1. Status of office operations.
2. Adjustments/corrections to the records.
3. Billing adjustments.
5. Approval of Board for meeting minutes of February 20, 2018 regularly scheduled meeting, to be signed by Secretary.
6. Review and Acceptance of financial report.
7. Discuss and approve budget changes.
8. Approve payment of current bills as presented.
9. Action items:
A. Discuss with Financial Advisor of possible implementation of fees for upgrading district meter lines (Surcharge UCRA, Capital Improvement, Rate Study, etc), and any other pertinent information on what impact the TWDB loan acceptance could have on the district's finances and its customers.
B. Discuss plans for town hall meeting projected for April 2018.
C. Discuss and approve the following in regards to the TWDB loan application:
1. Resolution Authorizing Application for Financial Assistance to the Texas Water Development Board
o Draft attached.
o Highlighted comments in the document that I'd need feedback.
2. Application Affidavit (attached)
D. Discuss and approve purchase of new air conditioning unit for office.
E. Review and discuss process of filing small claims/lien on unpaid balances.
F. Discuss gaining "superior status" for water system through TCEQ.
10. Adjournment.


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