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2/19/25 Notice of a Regularly Schedule BOD Meeting

Notice of a regularly scheduled meeting of the Red Creek Municipal Utility District Board of Directors:

Meeting Date:                      FEBRUARY 19, 2025

Time:                                      6:30 p.m.

Place:                                     Red Creek MUD Office

                                                422 Red Creek Rd

                                                San Angelo, TX 76905


  1. Declaration of Quorum.
  2. Call Meeting to Order.
  3. Public Forum.
  4. Reports:
  5. Report from Operations & Maintenance Contractor:
  6. Problems encountered in the systems/operations/maintenance.
  7. Discuss easements status/possible need for repair or maintenance.
  8. Update on checking inactive accounts/ meter boxes without meters.
  9. Report from Engineer Contractor
  10. Texas Water Development Board water line project updates.
  11. Report from Office Manager:
  12. Status of office operations.
  13. Adjustments/corrections to the records.
  14. Billing adjustments.
  15. Discuss current Drought Stage and possible changes.
  16. Meter project updates.
  17. Replat Requests.
  18. Approval of Board for minutes of JANUARY 15, 2025 regularly scheduled meeting, and JANUARY 24, 2025 called meeting, to be signed by secretary.
  19. Review and Acceptance of financial report.
  20. Discuss and approve budget changes.
  21. Approve payment of current bills as presented.
  22. Action items:
  23. Discuss implementation of office management policies into district SOP (general discussion).





***To download and print a copy of this agenda, go to "News & Notices" then click on "Board Meetings"***